Photoluminescence is the process of absorption of ultra violet energy from surrounding light sources.
This process creates a stored energy, like a battery.
When required, it releases the stored energy in the form of visible light.
Photoluminescent (PL) signs
contain material with this property. PL signs perform the same role that traditional exit signs perform, as they are an approved alternative under the NCC/BCA to the traditional battery containing emergency exit sign design.
However, the significant difference is that PL signs provide building owners a more energy efficient, longer lasting and minimal maintenance option.
PL signs require no Lithium Battery Back Up, which ensures less Lithium Batteries being dumped into landfill. When traditional exit signs fail, and are simply removed and thrown in the rubbish.
No battery means no battery discharge test as part of 6 monthly fire safety compliance procedures as per AS2293.
In addition, traditional battery backed-up exit signs are made of plastics and acrylics, which as we know, don’t break down when dumped into landfill upon failing. PL Exit Signs and brackets are made from steel and aluminium, and in the unlikely event of ever ending up in landfill, will corrode and break down.
The requirements for Photoluminescent Exit Signs (PL Signs) are dealt with under specific on E4.8 of the NCC (formerly the BCA). This technical guide is intended to respond to each requirement.
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LumaExit Exit Signs and PL Sign Kits are 100% design and performance compliant. They exceed all requirements within the current Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia, as proven by approved Australian Laboratory testing.